Our Mission
NON NOBIS SOLUM ‘Not for ourselves alone’
Mission Statement
‘Not for ourselves alone’
The Centre for Conservation Education’s mission is to foster environmental
consciousness and responsibility among teachers and learners in all schools in the
Western Cape through our work in Environmental Education and related activities to
help in building our nation.
This is achieved through:
- qualified, experienced and enthusiastic educators, who have a passion for both the
teaching profession and the earth; - a learner-centred approach, whereby it is acknowledged that putting the child first
must always be at the heart of all our work; - constantly researching our field of knowledge and staff development programmes, to
ensure we are at the forefront of environmental matters and teaching practice; - sharing our knowledge and expertise freely with all our colleagues;
- providing friendly and efficient service to all who make use of our institution;
- rmulti-disciplinary programmes designed to support the school curriculum both at
primary and secondary level, as well as to extend beyond the prescribed syllabus; - activities that cut across as many subjects as possible;
- supporting the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) through providing
meaningful links to class programmes; - addressing current environmental issues that span the conservation of the natural,
manmade and social environment; - organising a special programme for International Museum Day;
- promoting citizen science and public participation in a variety of events;
- using the various national and world environmental days to focus attention on
environmental issues; - looking for alternative ways of reaching schools are unable to visit the Centre (taking
our programmes to them; making use of Skype and other forms of e-Learning placing
material and information for teachers on our website); - a quarterly newsletter, EnviroNews, to all schools;
- a reference library that is open to educators, learners and the public;
- networking with other existing conservation agencies, both in the natural and cultural
spheres; - submitting all of the Centre’s programmes to participants and role-players for
evaluation and to incorporate useful suggestions in future planning; - seeking to improve all our activities, constantly;
- empowering young people to make a difference and to help save our planet – the
only home we have - leading by example and excellence, as highlighted in our Core Values.
(021)762 1622
9 Aliwal Rd, Wynberg, 7800
© 2025 Centre for Conservation Education